by shelfmark
A | B | C | D
| E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L |
M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T |
U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Admont, Stiftsbibliothek, 43 - together with Admont, Stiftsbibliothek, 23
- Admont, Stiftsbibliothek, 48
- Admont, Stiftsbibliothek, 712 - Budapest, National Museum, 433 belongs to this codex.
- Assisi, Archivio della Cattedrale, Fragmente fasc. I, n. 3. 6
- Augsburg, Staats- und Stadtbibliothek, 2° Cod. Aug. 389
- Augsburg, Universitätsbibliothek, I. 2. 2° 4
- Autun, Bibliothèque du Séminaire, 36 (S 40)
- Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek, Bibl. 30c
- Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek, Can. 7
- Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek, Can. 9 - The second part of the codex (from the collection of Pseudo-Remedius onwards) derives from Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Lat. 2198 (10th century).
- Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek, Can. 12
- Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek, Jur. 1
- Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek, Jur. 35
- Barcelona, Arxiu de la Corona d’Aragó, Ripoll 46
- Barcelona, Biblioteca de Catalunya, 944
- Basel, Öffentliche Bibliothek der Universität, C III 1
- Berlin, Staatsbibliothek - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Lat. fol. 269
- Berlin, Staatsbibliothek - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Lat. fol. 270 - Addition to Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4406. Foll. 1-13 are commonly referred to as "Papinianus". Some leaves of the codex Berlin, Staatsbibliothek - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Lat. Fol. 636 belong to this manuscript.
- Berlin, Staatsbibliothek - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Lat. fol. 378
- Berlin, Staatsbibliothek - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Lat. fol. 626
- Berlin, Staatsbibliothek - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Lat. qu. 150
- Berlin, Staatsbibliothek - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Phill. 1735
- Berlin, Staatsbibliothek - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Phill. 1736
- Berlin, Staatsbibliothek - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Phill. 1741 - together with Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. Lat. 1283, foll. 95/96
- Berlin, Staatsbibliothek - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Phill. 1745 - together with St. Petersburg, Rossijskaja Nacional'naja Biblioteka, F.v.II.3
- Berlin, Staatsbibliothek - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Phill. 1761
- Berlin, Staatsbibliothek - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Savigny 1
- Bern, Burgerbibliothek, 263
- Bern, Burgerbibliothek, 314
- Bern, Burgerbibliothek, 442
- Besançon, Bibliothèque Municipale, 1348
- Bonn, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, S. 402
- Cambrai, Bibliothèque Municipale, 625
- Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 265
- Cava de' Tirreni, Biblioteca della Badia, 4 - Relations exist to Montecassino, Archivio dell'Abbazia, 175 and 384, Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. Lat. 5001 and Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, 413 (Gontrum 1993)
- Clermont-Ferrand, Bibliothèque Municipale, 201
- Cologny (Genf), Bibliotheca Bodmeriana, Bodmer 107
- El Escorial, Biblioteca Monasterio, a. IV. 8
- El Escorial, Real Biblioteca de San Lorenzo, D. I. 1
- El Escorial, Real Biblioteca de San Lorenzo, D. I. 2
- El Escorial, Real Biblioteca de San Lorenzo, K. oder Z. II. 2
- El Escorial, Real Biblioteca de San Lorenzo, K. II. 10
- El Escorial, Real Biblioteca de San Lorenzo, M. III. 2
- El Escorial, Real Biblioteca de San Lorenzo, S. II. 21
- El Escorial, Real Biblioteca de San Lorenzo, V. II. 15
- Erben des Marquis de Rosanbeau (Heirs of the Marquis de Rosanbeau), Bibliothèque de Rosny, no shelfmark - together with Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4406
- Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Aedil. 82
- Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Plut. 77,1
- Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Plut. 89 sup. 86
- Fulda, Hochschul- und Landesbibliothek, D 1
- Gotha, Forschungs- und Landesbibliothek, Memb. I 84
- Graz, Universitätsbibliothek, Ms. 1703/247
- Graz, Universitätsbibliothek, Ms. III 37, 2
- Guttaring, Pfarrarchiv, s.n.
- Halberstadt, Domschatz, Inv.-Nr. 465-466
- Hamburg, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, 141 a in scrinio
- Heiligenkreuz, Stiftsbibliothek, 217
- Innsbruck, Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, FB 32.143/1
- Ivrea, Biblioteca Capitolare, XXXIII (4)
- Ivrea, Biblioteca Capitolare, XXXIV (5)
- Ivrea, Bibioteca Capitolare, XXXV (17)
- Ivrea, Biblioteca Capitolare, XXXVI (18)
- Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. 112
- Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Fragm. Aug. 145
- Klagenfurt, Kärntner Landesarchiv, Gv-Hs. 10/2/2
- Copenhagen, Det Arnamagnaeanske Institut, Københavns Universitet, AM 805 4°
- Copenhagen, Kongelige Bibliotek, Gl. Kgl. Saml. 1943. 4° - together with Kopenhagen, Kongelige Bibliotek, Gl. Kgl. Saml. 1335. 4°
- Copenhagen, Kongelige Bibliotek, Thott 327
- Cologne, Erzbischöfliche Diözesan- und Dombibliothek, 212
- Cologne, Historisches Archiv, GB Kasten B 130 - formerly together with Münster, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, 718m (1186) (2 foll., destroyed 1945)
- Cologne, Historisches Archiv, W 328
- Kremsmünster, Stiftsbibliothek, Fragm. I/9
- Laon, Bibliothèque Municipale, 265
- Leiden, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit, BPL 114 - According to Bischoff and Mordek this codex belongs together with the Leiden manuscript and Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4629. David Ganz contradicts this statement (see bibliographic reference below).
- Leiden, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit, BPL 191 BA
- Leiden, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit, BPL 2005
- Leiden, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit, Voss. Lat. O. 86
- Leiden, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit, Voss. Lat. Q. 47
- Leiden, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit, Voss. Lat. Q. 119 - According to Mordek 1995 p. 211 the manuscript Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 10755 (olim Suppl. Lat. 1046) from 1839 or 1840 is a copy of the Leiden codex, which contains the Lex Salica with the Edictum Chilperici, the Pactus Childeberti I. et Chlotharii I. and the Childeberti II. decretio.
- Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek, Cod. Haen. 6
- Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek, Cod. Haen. 8 + 9
- León, Bibliotéca Catedral, 15
- Livorno, Biblioteca Comunale Labronica, 40
- London, British Library, Add. 5411
- London, British Library, Add. 22398
- London, British Library, Add. 33610
- London, British Library, Add. 47676
- London, British Library, Add. 49365
- London, British Library, Cotton Otho E.XIII
- London, British Library, Egerton 269 - together with Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4633 and London, British Library, Egerton 2832; foll. 29-32 of Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 7561 follow fol. 17v of London, British Library, Egerton 269, bearing a fragment of the Divisio regnorum. For further information please see the following references: Tischler 2008 pp. 198 (n. 18), 199-200, 213, 244-246, 252 and Bischoff HA Fiche 31, 7.83 (p. 47), Fiche 36, 1.58 (p. 80).
- London, British Library, Egerton 2832 - together with Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4633 and London, British Library, Egerton 269
- Leuven, Bibliothèque de l'Université (Bibliotheek der Katholieke Universiteit), Frg. H. Omont 2 A u. B
- Lyon, Bibliothèque Municipale, 375
- Madrid, Biblioteca de la Universidad, 89
- Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, 413 -
- Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, 772
- Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, 10064
- Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, 12909
- Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, Vitrina 14.5 mit eingebundenem Blatt s.n.
- Madrid, Biblioteca Real Academia de la Historia, 34
- Milan, Archivio Storico Civico e Biblioteca Trivulziana, 688 - together with Novara, Biblioteca Capitolare, Ms. LXXVI (13)
- Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, A. 46 inf.
- Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, A. 220 inf.
- Milan, San Ambrogio, Archivio Capitolare, s.n.
- Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, C. 29 inf.
- Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, C. 276 inf.
- Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, G. 58 sup. - Foll. 41 - 73 belong to Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. Lat. 5751, connecting to fol. 54. They were included in the Milanese codex due to a binding error. For the Vatican codex see: Mordek 1995 pp. 288, 658-659, 883-888
- Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, O. 55 sup. - This codex and Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, O. 53 sup. are parts of a single manuscript.
- Modena, Archivio di Stato, 130
- Modena, Biblioteca Capitolare, O. I. 2 - The legal codex of Eberhard of Friaul from ca. 829-836 served as a model for this manuscript. (Eckhardt 1962)
- Modena, Biblioteca Capitolare, O. I. 4
- Monte Cassino, Archivio dell'Abbazia, 90
- Monte Cassino, Archivio dell'Abbazia, 125
- Monte Cassino, Archivio dell'Abbazia, 175
- Monte Cassino, Archivio dell'Abbazia, 522
- Montpellier, Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire (Section Médecine), H 84
- Montpellier, Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire (Section Médecine), H 136
- Montpellier, Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire (Section Médecine), H 306
- Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Lat. 2621
- Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Lat. 3519 - copy of Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Lat. 5260
- Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Lat. 3853
- Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Lat. 4115 - The Manuscripta Juridica database records a Lex Salica in the codex Kiel, Universitätsbibliothek, K. B. 207. The text is a copy of the first 53 titles of the Salian law taken from the Munich codex conducted by the Kiel-based lawyer Andreas Wilhelm Cramer in 1816. Cf. the catalogue description by Henning Ratjen, Verzeichnis von Handschriften der Kieler Universitäts-Bibliothek Abtheilung 1-4, Kiel 1873, p. 61.
- Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Lat. 4460
- Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Lat. 4639
- Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Lat. 5260
- Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Lat. 6241
- Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Lat. 6245 - Served as a model for Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Lat. 6241
- Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Lat. 6375
- Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Lat. 9653
- Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Lat. 11029
- Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Lat. 14432
- Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Lat. 19414
- Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Lat. 19415
- Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Lat. 19416
- Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Lat. 22501
- Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Lat. 29560 - together with Munich, University Library, 4° Cod. ms. 1140 and Philadelphia, Free Library, Lewis T162 (one folio)
- Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Lat. 29561/1 - together with Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Lat. 14415 (fragments in the fold).
- Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Lat. 29561/2
- Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Oefeleana 335, Vol. 4
- Munich, Universitätsbibliothek, 8° 132
- Münster, Landesarchiv NRW, Abteilung Westfalen, msc. VII. 5201
- Münster, Universitätsbibliothek, Fragment unsigniert (Depositum aus dem Privatbesitz Siewert)
- New Haven, Yale University, The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, 212
- New Haven, Yale University, The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, 974
- Nuremberg, Stadtbibliothek, Cent. V, App. 96
- Orléans, Bibliothèque Municipale, 221
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Arch. Selden. B. 16
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Hatton 42
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Baluze 270
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Grec. 1384
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 1452 - apograph of Berlin, Staatsbibliothek - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Phill. 1745
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 1730
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 3182
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 3841
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 3877
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4403
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4403 A - Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 13028 belongs to this codex. Cf. CLA V no. 647 and Bischoff 2014 p. 202.
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4403 B
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4404
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4405
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4406 - together with Heirs of the Marquis de Rosanbeau, Bibliothèque de Rosny, shelfmark unknown, Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4410 and Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 9652 - apograph of Ivrea, Bibioteca Capitolare, XXXV (17)
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4408
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4409
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4410 - Fol. 68 of Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4406 belongs to this codex.
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4411
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4412
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4413
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4414
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4415
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4416
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4417
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4418
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4419
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4420 - apograph of a 9th century codex that was in possession of the Pithou family.
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4482
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4516
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4568
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4613
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4614 - together with Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4669 (Mordek)
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4626
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4627
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4628
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4628 A
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4629 - According to Bischoff and Mordek the Parisian manuscript and Leiden, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit, BPL 114 belong together. David Ganz contradicts this view (see bibliographic reference below).
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4630
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4631 - apograph of Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4628 A
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4632
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4633 - together with London, British Library, Egerton 269 and London, British Library, Egerton 2832
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4667
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4668
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4669 - together with Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4614 (Mordek)
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4670
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4696
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4697
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4758
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4759
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4759 A
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4759 B
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4760 - Foll. 6-71 might be copies of Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 10758, pp. 58-136 and 56
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4787
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4788
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4789
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4792
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4931
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4995
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 5512
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 7710
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 8801
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 8907
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 9643
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 9652 - together with Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4406
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 9653
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 9654
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 9656
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 10753
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 10754
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 10758
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 12021 - Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 12021 (foll. 140-141) and Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 12238 (fol. 129) belong together
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 12097
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 12161
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 12445
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 12448
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 12475
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 16001/16002 - apograph of Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4405
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 18236
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 18237
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 18238
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, NAF 6853
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, nouv. acq. Lat. 204
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, nouv. acq. Lat. 1631
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, nouv. acq. Lat. 2318
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, nouv. acq. Lat. 2389
- Perugia, Biblioteca Capitolare, 32
- Philadelphia, Free Library, Lewis T162 - together with Munich, University Library, 4° Cod. ms. 1140 and München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Lat. 29560
- Pistoia, Archivio Capitolare, C. 106
- Porto, Biblioteca Publica Municipal, ms. 87
- Ripoll, Arxiu Comarcal del Ripollès, s.n.
- Rome, Biblioteca Casanatense, 2010 - Cf. Rome, Biblioteca Vallicelliana, T. XVIII
- Rome, Biblioteca Vallicelliana, B. 11
- Rome, Biblioteca Vallicelliana, B. 32
- Rome, Biblioteca Vallicelliana, C. 20
- Rome, Biblioteca Vallicelliana, Carte Vallicelliane XII 3
- Rome, Biblioteca Vallicelliana, T. XVIII
- Salzburg, Bibliothek der Erzabtei St. Peter, a. IX. 32
- Salzburg, Bibliothek der Erzabtei St. Peter, Fragmente 20
- Schwerin, Landeshauptarchiv, I Y
- Saint Gallen, Stadtbibliothek, 338
- Saint Gallen, Stiftsarchiv Kloster Pfäfers, XXX
- Saint Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, 722
- Saint Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, 728
- Saint Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, 729
- Saint Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, 730 - with leaves from the Zurich codex (Zurich, Zentralbibliothek, C 389)
- Saint Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, 731
- Saint Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, 732
- Saint Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, 1395
- St. Paul im Lavanttal, Stiftsbibliothek, 4/1
- St. Paul im Lavanttal, Stiftsbibliothek, 81/2
- Saint Petersburg, Rossijskaja Nacional'naja Biblioteka, Q.v.II.11
- Stockholm, Skoklostersamligen, 1, E 8641
- Straßburg, Archives départementales du Bas-Rhin, 151 J 50
- Straßburg, ehemalige Stadtbibliothek, C. V. 6
- Stuttgart, Hauptstaatsarchiv, Fonds Klosterarchiv Rot
- Stuttgart, Württembergische Landesbibliothek, HB VI 112
- Stuttgart, Württembergische Landesbibliothek, iur. 4° 134
- Toledo, Archivo y Biblioteca Capitular, 43-46
- Toledo, Archivo y Biblioteca Capitular, 43-47
- Trier, Stadtbibliothek, Mappe X, Fragment 1
- Trier, Stadtbibliothek, 843/120 4°
- Troyes, Bibliothèque Municipale, 1406
- Turin, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, A. II. 2 - The codex was destroyed in 1904. The fragments of the Codex Theodosianus, that were overwritten with John Cassian, belong to those of the manuscript Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. Lat. 5766.
- Turin, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, D. III. 13
- Turin, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, I. IV. 27
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Chigi F. IV. 75
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Ottob. Lat. 2225
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Ottob. Lat. 3081
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Pal. Lat. 582 - The part of the manuscript Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 9654, which contains capitularies, is identical to the part in the Vatican codex. (Mordek, Kéry). The manuscript Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Barb. Lat. 635 is a slightly modified copy of Pal. Lat. 582. (Mordek)
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Pal. Lat. 773
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Pal. Lat. 1564 - The beginning of the Vatican codex is now lost, but can be reconstructed because Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Cod. Guelf. 105 Gud. Lat. and Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale Albert 1er, 10615-729 are based on this manuscript. For further information on the Brussels codex, which dates from the 12th century (Trier or Luttich area), cf. Kaiser 2013 pp. 282 and 285 as well as the comprehensive description in the dissertation by Annastina Kaffarnik (Ed.), Querela magistri Treverensis. Neuedition, Übersetzung und Kommentar. Mit einer Beschreibung der Handschrift Bruxelles, BR 10615-729 (Lateinische Sprache and Literatur des Mittelalters 46), Bern / Berlin / Brüssel etc. 2011, pp. 315-353. The agrimensorian contents are on foll. 36ra-55va. In the codices mixti, which were based on the Vatican codex and the first part of Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Cod. Guelf. 36.23 Aug. 2° ([Codex Arcerianus A]), also CTh 2,26 and PS 5,22,2 are mentioned. These are Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, 29.32 and Erfurt, Wissenschaftliche Allgemeinbibliothek, Ampl. 4° 326. The Florentine codex accrued in West Germany during the 1st third of the 9th century. The Erfurt codex dates from the 11th to 12th century and was written in Germany. On the codices mixti cf. Kaiser 2013 pp. 279-287, 292, 299-301, 304, 307, 311, 314 (n. 251) and Bischoff 1998 p. 259 (Florence). Otto von Heinemann, Die Augusteischen Handschriften. 5. Cod.Guelf. 34.1 Aug. 4º to 117 Aug. 4º. Nachdr. der Ausg. 1903 (Kataloge der Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel. Neue Reihe, Bd. 8), Frankfurt am Main 1966 describes Codex Arcerianus A and a digital image can be accessed via the Herzog August Bibliothek website. See Kaiser 2013 pp. 275 (n. 3), 276-279, 281-284, 286 (n. 86), 287, 289, 293-294, 296, 298 (n. 161), 310-314, 315 (n. 252), 316-317, 334 and CLA IX no. 1374b. Codex London, British Library, Add. 47679 also belongs to the codices mixti, but does not contain any legal texts. Cf. Kaiser 2013 pp. 280-281, 307, 310-313.
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. Lat. 291
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. Lat. 338
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. Lat. 520
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. Lat. 846
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. Lat. 852
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. Lat. 857
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. Lat. 886
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. Lat. 982
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. Lat. 991
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. Lat. 1023
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. Lat. 1024
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. Lat. 1036
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. Lat. 1048
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. Lat. 1050
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. Lat. 1128
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. Lat. 1431
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. Lat. 1728
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. Lat. 1339
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. Lat. 1349
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. Lat. 1468
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. Lat. 3833 - Apograph of another codex.
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. Lat. 5001 - together with paper-apograph Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. Lat. 5000
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. Lat. 5359
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. Lat. 5766 - The fragments of the Codex Theodosianus, that were overwritten with John Cassian, belong to those of the manuscript Turin, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, A. II. 2.
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. Lat. 7277
- Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. Lat. 15204 c
- Vercelli, Biblioteca Capitolare Eusebiana, CXXII
- Vercelli, Biblioteca Capitolare Eusebiana, CLXXXVIII
- Verona, Biblioteca Capitolare, XXXVIII (36) - possibly together with Verona, Biblioteca Capitolare, CLXXIII A, Verona, Biblioteca civica, 3035 and New Haven, Yale University, The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, 744 (both are fragments)
- Verona, Biblioteca Capitolare, LXII (60)
- Vic, Arxiu i Biblioteca Episcopal, frag. XV/3
- Vic, Arxiu i Biblioteca Episcopal, dipòsit MSG, s.n.
- Warsaw, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka, 1 [Quart 1] - According to Mommsen this is the twin codex of Berlin, Staatsbibliothek - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Lat. qu. 150
- Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 406
- Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 502
- Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 601
- Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 2160
- Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 2198 - Partly master of Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek, Can. 9.
- Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Cod. Guelf. 404.2 Novi (16)
- Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Cod. Guelf. 513 Helmst.
- Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Cod. Guelf. 532 Helmst.
- Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Cod. Guelf. 1062 Helmst.
- Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Cod. Guelf. 50.2 Aug. 4°
- Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Cod. Guelf. 130 Blank.
- Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Cod. Guelf. 105 Gud. Lat. - Based on the manuscript Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Pal. Lat. 1564.
- Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Cod. Guelf. 299 Gud. Lat.
- Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Cod. Guelf. 327 Gud. Lat.
- Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Cod. Guelf. 97 Weiss.
- Würzburg, Universitätsbibliothek, M. p. j. f. m. 2
- Würzburg, Universitätsbibliothek, M. p. j. q. 3
- Würzburg, Universitätsbibliothek, Ms. th. f. 167
- Zaragoza, Biblioteca de la Universidad, ms. 225
- Zurich, Staatsarchiv, C VI 3 - According to Bischoff/Brown the remains are today in Rome, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Biblioteca (Biblioteca Corsiniana) s.n.