Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4628 A
Paris (France)Bibliothèque Nationale
Lat. 4628 A
Siglum (by Mordek 1995): P3
Siglum (by Eckhardt 1962): K 35
Digital image available at BnF
10th century (Sohm, Bischoff
HA); 10th/11th
century, North France (Mordek); middle of the 9th
century (Eckhardt 1962 following Bischoff); 10th/11th
century (Bischoff)
Given to the bishop of Poitiers by St Denis monastery in
1636; in Paris since 1740. (Eckhardt 1962); St Denis (Mordek)
Physical description:
Material: ParchmentQuires:
Number: 184 foll.
Size: 230-234 x 180-183 mm
Text block: 165-170 x 125-130 mm
Lines: 24
Columns: 2 columns
Script: Caroline minuscule
1v - 2v
Notes on possession and donation (17th century)
3va - 4rb
excerpts from a letter by the Council of Quierzy to Louis the German
Leo I
Gregory the Great
5ra - 6va
list of Frankish kings, list of Roman emperors of Gaul and further lists of Frankish kings
6va - 7ra
Lex Salica (long prologue)
7ra - rb
Lex Salica (short prologue)
7rb - 9va, 30ra - 38ra, 39vb - 46ra, 55rb - 69rb, 74va - 76ra,
78ra - rb, 144rb - 156vb
various capitularies
9va - 30ra
Lex Salica (Karolina emendata, list of titles and text)
38ra - 39vb
Lex Francorum Chamavorum
46ra - 55rb
Paulinus of Aquileia, Libellus sacrosyllabus episcoporum Italiae
69ra - 71va
Isidore, excerpt from the Etymologiae
71va - 73ra, 77rb - 78ra
Pactus Childeberti I et Chlotharii I
73ra - 74va, 78rb - 80ra
Childeberti II decretio
76ra - rb
Lex Salica (Sententias de septem septinas)
76rb - 77rb, 156vb - 157vb
Lex Salica (Recapitulatio solidorum)
Lex Salica (date without year)
80ra - rb
Lex Salica (epilogue)
Lex Salica (list of kings)
80rb - 144ra
collection of capitularies by Ansegis
83vb - 84ra
Epitome Iuliani 115, 28
157vb - 160ra
Hincmar of Reims, De villa Noviliaco
160ra - 165ra
collection of capitularies and canons on levy and church property
166ra - 170va, 182vb - 183ra
collection of capitularies by Benedictus Levita
170va - 174rb
record on the imperial coronation of Charles the Bald
174rb - 182vb
Einhard, Vita Karoli Magni
183ra - 184ra
excerpts from Hincmar of Reims, Quaterniones
probationes pennae