London, British Library, Cotton Otho E.XIII
London (Great Britain)British Library
Cotton Otho E.XIII
Digital image available at British Library
9th/10th century or beginning of the 10th
century, Brittany (Bischoff)
St. Augustine in Canterbury (12th / 13th century)
introduction page
2v - 3v
preface and table of content
3v - 11r
Liber ex lege Moysi and Canon law texts
11v - 127v, 150r - 179v
Collectio canonum Hibernensis
128r - 139r, 143r - 146r
various excerpts from the Collectio canonum Hibernensis and further canonistical texts
132r - v, 139r - 141v
Excerpta de libris Romanorum et Francorum
texts on thieves, attributed to the Lex Salica (Capitula per missos cognita facienda c. 2 [BK 67] = Ansegis 3,23 = Capitulare missorum Silvacense c. 6 [BK 260]; Capitulare Haristallense c. 23 [BK 23] = Benedictus Levita 1,206; Capitulare legi Ribuariae additum c. 5 [BK 41] = Ansegis 3,44)
141v - 143r
Lex innocentium of Adamnán of Iona
146v - 149v
Christian legend
151r - v
excerpts from a penitential