Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek, Cod. Haen. 8 + 9
Leipzig (Germany)Universitätsbibliothek
Cod. Haen. 8 + 9
Digital image available at Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig
9th century (Hänel, Mommsen);
1st third of the
9th century, Verona (Liebs); 1st third and middle of the 9th century,
Italy (presumably Verona, provenance: Udine) (Mordek); 2nd quarter and 2nd
half of the 9th century, Verona (Bischoff); 1st third and
middle of the 9th century, Verona (Kaiser,
Physical description:
Size: pp. 1-54: 360 x 255 mm, pp. 55-354: 350 x 255 mm
1 - 54b
Epitome Iuliani (Capp. 25-141)
55a - 150b
Epitome Iuliani (Capp. 237-421)
151a - 171b
Epitome Iuliani (Capp. 513-564)
171b - 183b
Appendix B to the Epitome Iuliani
183b - 184a
Latin novellae of Iustinian on the colonate in Africa from September 6th 552 and September 22nd 558
185b - 186a
Latin kata poda of the beginning of the praefatio as well as of a part of Cap. 2 § 3 of Justinian's novella from Mai 1st 538 on the inception of imperial constitutions
186a - 192a, 193a - b
Constitutiones from the Codex Iustinianus (book 7)
192b - 193a
canons of the sixth actio of the Council of Chalkedon in the Collectio Vaticana version
193b - 194a
Constitutiones de rebus ecclesiasticis with capitulatio (edited version of the chapters 8-10 = Epitome Iuliani Capp. 458, 461, 467)
194a - b
Rufinus, Historia ecclesiastica X 2
195 - 195b
Lex episcoporum et ceteris clericorum (consisting of a rubric, inscription to a [apocryphal] constitution with kata poda to the praefatio and a chapter of a novella)
195b - 196a
law text (not yet identified)
Epitome Aegidii (Nov. Marc. 5)
196a - 197a
title 4,2 pr.-1 from Justinian's Institutiones
199a - 225a
Appendix A to the Epitome Iuliani
Edictum Theoderici (Capp. 85-87)
225a - 232b
Sacra privilegia concilii Vizaceni
232b - 243b
Constitutiones de rebus ecclesiasticis with capitulatio
243 - 354
Lex Romana Curiensis