Leiden, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit, BPL 114
Leiden (Netherlands)Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit
BPL 114
Siglum (by Mordek 1995): P13
Digital image available at Universiteit Leiden
According to Bischoff and Mordek this codex belongs
together with the Leiden manuscript and Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat.
4629. David Ganz contradicts this statement (see
bibliographic reference below).
9th century (Hänel, Mommsen);
beginning of the
9th century, presumably from Bourges (Liebs); 8th/9th century, presumably Bourges (Bischoff, Mordek);
end of the 8th
century, North
France (Reims) (CLA)
Physical description:
Number: 166 foll. (foll. 1 and 2 mutilated; loss after fol. 88 as well as at the end)
Size: 245 x 157 mm
Text block: 195-200 x 100-110 mm
Lines: 26
1v - 8v
Isidore, Etymologiae
various notes
6v - 7r
cognition treatise by Aelius Gallus
9r - 88v
Epitome Aegidii
picture of Theodosius (as part of the Epitome Aegidii)
89r - 91v
Formulae Bituricenses, Appendix no. 1-12
91v - 97r
Formulae Marculfi II, 42, 43, 46-52, Suppl. no. 3, 4, 6
97r - 98r
Formulae Marculfi a, b, c
98r - 101v
Formulae Bituricenses, no. 8-13
101v - 103r
Formulae Bituricenses, no. 1-3
103r - 104r
Formulae Bituricenses, no. 14
104r - 158r
Formulae Marculfi Suppl. 1-2; I, 1-40; II, 1-2; Additamenta 1a-e; II, 3-20, 22-24, 39-41
158v - 160v
Chrodebert of Tours' letter to Boba
161r - 166v
Formulae Bituricenses, No. 15-19