Besançon, Bibliothèque Municipale, 1348

Besançon, Bibliothèque Municipale, 1348

Weltliches Recht im Frankenreich


Besançon (France)
Bibliothèque Municipale

Siglum (by Eckhardt 1962): K 48

Digital image available at Bibliothèque municipale


9th century (Eckhardt 1962, Bischoff HA)

In possession of Claude Chifflet (1541-1580). In the 18th century catalogued as one the manuscripts belonging to Fr. X. Chifflet, first president of the parliament of Metz.

Physical description:

Material: Parchment
Quires: II4 + 2.IV20 + (IV-1)27. Quire numbers: fol. 4v (XXXVI), fol. 12v (XXXVII), fol. 20v (XXXVIII)
Number: 27 foll.
Size: 385 x 315 mm
Text block: 274 x 195 mm
Lines: 32
Columns: 2 columns

Script: Unstable minuscule by several scribes with variant forms (a, n) and ligatures (nt, ct, st, et). Rubrics ornamented with red ink in Capitalis rustica.
Binding: fair leather binding



  • 1r - 19r
    Lex Burgundionum (MGH LL nat. Germ. 2/1, not used)
  • 19r - 27v
    Lex Salica Karolina, list of titles and text, tit. 1-48, Explicit: Si quis lege saliga vivit servum aut ancillam cavallum vel bovem seu iumentum seu quamlibet rem suam sub alterius potestate agnoverit mittat eam in terciam man//
Bischoff at first dated the codex in the 9th century, but then changed his mind; the manuscript is not included in his "Katalog der festländischen Handschriften". Presumably for Bischoff the script rather belonged to the early tenth century. The leaves are the fragment of a comprehensive legal collection. According to the quire numeration the codex must have consisted of at least 29 quires with 8 leaves each, comprising more than 230 leaves in total. Probably Roman law came first and was supplemented by various leges. The codex was already in fragmentary condition the first time it was bound at the end of the Middle Ages. On fol. 27v there are residues of an imprint by a fragment that had once been glued to the inside of the cover. Not before the 18th century were the Carolingian parts rebound together with various other documents, such as a copy of the privileges of Gray (dépt. Haut-Saône) from the 16th century (foll. 28-33) or the ordinances concerning the Grande Saunerie of Salins (dépt. Jura) from the 17th century (foll. 34-72). [Karl Ubl]


  • Eckhardt 1962 p. XXII
  • McKitterick 1989 p. 52
  • Bischoff HA Fiche 42, 1 (p. 67)
  • Kaiser 2002 p. 234 (n. 121), 240
  • Hartmann 2008 p. 95 (n. 181)
  • Faulkner 2016 p. 256
  • Ubl 2017 p. 45, 237, 251
  • Coumert 2023 p. 15
  • Pierre Petot, Un nouveau manuscrit de la loi Gombette, in: Nouvelle Revue historique de droit français et étranger 37 (1913), p. 337-375.
  • Catalogue général des manuscrits des Bibliothèques Publiques de France, Départements 45: Paris, Arsenal, Mazarine, Sainte-Geneviève, Besançon, Aix-en-Provence, Paris 1915, p. 139-140.
  • Bruno Krusch, Nachricht zu Pierre Petot, Un nouveau manuscrit de la loi Gombette, in: Neues Archiv 43 (1922), p. 442-443.
  • Wilfried Hartmann, Brauchen wir neue Editionen der Leges?, in: Rudolf Schieffer (Hrsg.), Mittelalterliche Texte. Überlieferung - Befunde - Deutungen. Kolloquium der Zentraldirektion der Monumenta Germaniae Historica am 28./29. Juni 1996 (MGH Schriften 42), Hannover 1996, p. 233-245, hier p. 237 n. 21.
  • Patrick Wormald, The Making of English Law. King Alfred to the Twelfth Century, Oxford / Malden 1999, p. 64 n. 173.

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