Lex Francorum Chamavorum
1. Introduction
The Notitia vel commemoratio de illa ewa quae se ad Amorem habet originated from an inquiry by commisionaries of Charlemagne in a missaticum in the area of the present-day Netherlands. With regard to ecclesiastical issues the Lex Ribuaria served as a reference point. The text is also based on local legal traditions as well as on Charlemagne’s legal objectives after his coronation.
2. Edition
- Rudolph Sohm (Ed.), Lex Ribuaria et Lex Francorum Chamavorum (MGH Fontes iuris VI), Hannover 1883.
3. Reading recommendations (2000 onwards)
- Ruth Schmidt-Wiegand, “Lex Francorum Chamavorum”, in: Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde 18, 2001, 317-318.
- Kees Nieuwenhuijsen, Ewa ad Amorem. Lex Francorum Chamavorum, engl. u. niederländ. Übersetzung (2005)
- Thomas Faulkner, Carolingian Kings and the leges barbarorum, in: Historical Research 86 (2013), 443-464.
- Peter Hoppenbrouwers, Leges Nationum and Ethnic Personality of Law in Charlemagne’s Empire, in: Jeroen Duindam / Jill Harries / Caroline Humfress / Hurvitz Nimrod (Eds.), Law and Empire. Ideas, Practices, Actors (Rulers & Elites 3), Leiden / Bosten 2013, 251-274.
- Heiner Lück, Art. “Lex Francorum Chamavorum”, in: Handwörterbuch zur deutschen Rechtsgeschichte 3, 22016, col. 884-886.
- Roman Deutinger, Eine Leges-Handschrift des Juristen Wolfgang Hunger († 1555), in: Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 74 (2018), 177-191.
4. Further resources
5. Manuscripts [4]
- Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Oefeleana 335, Vol. 4
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4628 A
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4631
- Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 9654