Lyon, Bibliothèque Municipale, 375

Lyon, Bibliothèque Municipale, 375

Weltliches Recht im Frankenreich


Lyon (France)
Bibliothèque Municipale

Siglum (by Eckhardt 1962): K 50

Digital image available at Bibliothèque municipale


end of the 9th/beginning of the 10th century, Lex Salica 11th century, Gaul (Hänel); end of the 9th/beginning of the 10th century, Lyon (Liebs); 9th/10th century (Mommsen); ~2nd quarter of the 9th century, Lyon (Bischoff)

Due to the handwritten additions by the Lyon deacon Florus, the codex definitely originated from the archbishop's library of Lyon.

Physical description:

Material: Parchment
Quires: 2.IV16 + (IV-1)21 + 2.IV37 + (IV-1)44 + 2.IV68 + (IV-2)74 + (IV-1)81 + IV89 + (IV-3)94 + II98 + I100 + (III-3)103 + I105 + II109 + (II-2)111 + (IV-1)118 + IV125 + I127 + I129. No quire numbers (possibly remains on fol. 29v)
Number: 132 foll. (foll. 16, 20 and 121 counted twice)
Size: 345 x 280 mm
Text block: 245 x 138 mm
Lines: 37-38

Script: minuscule by several hands from Lyon; occasional site titles recognizable in the Roman law parts; red Capitalis Rustica.
Binding: modern cardboard binding



  • 1r - 125v
    Lex Romana Visigothorum (Epitome Lugdunensis, from III, 16, 1 to Paul. Sent. III, 8, 28), with glosses by Florus of Lyon (?)
  • 126r - 129v
    Lex Salica Karolina. List of titles and text up to 35, 5. Explicit: … quem alterius canes moverunt aut lassaverunt occiderit et celaverit DCtis din.//
The codex is fragmentary both at the beginning and at the end and mutilated due to trimming of the leaves. In the breviary, the law text and its interpretation are written in different sizes. Within the Lex Salica only the smaller size of the script was used. Handling marks are only visible on fol. 127v, where two marginal notes were added, althought one should take into account that the right margin of the codex was destroyed or is now illegible. E.g. on fol. 129r, line 30, there is a reference whose counterpart is lost. There are only a few corrections by the scribal hand (i.a. fol. 129r interlinear). This is in contrast to the - in parts - intensely glossed Roman law. But also within the breviary there are extensive sections without any glosses or corrections. Probably the Roman law was very selectively edited by Florus. Overall, the Lex Salica part seems more compact and less carefully executed. [Karl Ubl]


  • Hänel 1849 p. XLVIII-XLIX
  • Meyer 1905 p. LXII
  • Mommsen 1905 p. LXXIX, XCII, CCCXLII
  • Eckhardt 1962 p. XXII
  • McKitterick 1989 p. 46, 52
  • Liebs 2002 p. 109 (n. 103), 112 (n. 111), 184 (n. 289), 218 (n. 458 p. 217)
  • Bischoff 2004 p. 137(-144)
  • Ganivet 2009 p. 284-328
  • Hartmann 2008 p. 88, 325
  • Coma Fort 2014 p. 137
  • Faulkner 2016 p. 256
  • Ubl 2017 p. 234
  • Coumert 2023 p. 15, 262, 344, 371, 376-378
  • Jean Marie Pardessus, Loi Salique ou recueil contenant les anciennes rédactions de cette loi et le texte connu sous le nom de Lex Emendata avec des notes et des dissertations, Paris 1843, p. XXXVIII-XXXIX. (Internet Archive)
  • Exupère Caillemer, Notices et extraits de manuscrits de la Bibliothèque de Lyon, in: Mémoires de l'Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Lyon. Classe des Lettres 20 (1881/1882), p. 39-88, hier p. 69-74.
  • Céléstin Charlier, Les manuscrits personnels de Florus de Lyon et son activité littéraire, in: Mélanges E. Podechard. Études de sciences religieuses offertes pour son éméritat au doyen honoraire de la Faculté de Théologie de Lyon, Lyon 1945, p. 71-84, hier p. 81.
  • Charles Samaran / Robert Marichal, Catalogue des manuscrits en écriture latine portant des indications de date, de lieu ou de copiste, tome VI: Bourgogne, Centre, Sud-est et Sud-ouest de la France, Paris 1968, p. 476.
  • Patrick Wormald, The Making of English Law. King Alfred to the Twelfth Century, Oxford / Malden 1999, p. 64 n. 173.
  • Klaus Zechiel-Eckes, Florus von Lyon als Kirchenpolitiker und Publizist. Studien zur Persönlichkeit eines karolingischen "Intellektuellen" am Beispiel der Auseinandersetzung mit Amalarius (835-838) und des Prädestinationsstreits (851-855) (Quellen und Forschungen zum Recht im Mittelalter 8), Stuttgart 1999, p. 5 n. 9.

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