Wien (Vienna), Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 2160

Wien (Vienna), Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 2160

Weltliches Recht im Frankenreich


Wien (Austria)
Österreichische Nationalbibliothek

Digital image available at ÖNB


3rd quarter of the 9th century, North Italy, presumably vicinity of Rome (Kaiser, Liebs)

Salzburg (Frakes, Bischoff)

Physical description:

Material: Parchment
Number: 184 foll.
Size: 308 x 232 mm




  • 1r - v
    cover sheet (Italian, 13th to 14th century, juridical commentary)
  • 2ra - 14va
    list of titles to the Epitome Iuliani, to the appendix B as well as to the extensions
  • 14va - 137va
    Epitome Iuliani (Capp. 1-525) with chapter summae
  • 137va - vb
    two chapters of Germanic law with summae (not to be found in any lex, textual analogies to the first chapter of the Edictum Theoderici)
  • 137vb - 142ra
    Epitome Iuliani (Capp. 526-564) with summae
  • 142ra - 145va
    appendix B to the Epitome Iuliani
  • 145va - 147va
    Domini Iuliani antecessoris dictatum de consiliariis
  • 147va - 148va
    Collectio domini Iuliani
  • 148va - 153ra
    Constitutio (Quam iam videor) and a kata poda of Justinian's novella from May 1st 556
  • 153ra - 154va
    Latin kata poda of praefatio-caput 2 of Justinians's novella from December 18th 542
  • 154va - 162ra
    Paratitla zur Epitome Iuliani
  • 162ra - va
    Latin novella of Justinian (undated)
  • 162va - vb
    D. 22,5,12 without inscription
  • 162vb
    undated and uninscribed early medieval law text (capitulary?, apocryph?) on evidence with regard to blind, lame and moronic people
  • 162vb - 184va
    Lex Dei with list of titles
  • 184vb
    one line of etched text, starting with an entry from the Digest



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