Wien (Vienna), Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 2160
3rd quarter of the 9th century,
Italy, presumably vicinity of Rome (Kaiser,
Salzburg (Frakes, Bischoff)
Physical description:
Material: ParchmentQuires:
Number: 184 foll.
Size: 308 x 232 mm
1r - v
cover sheet (Italian, 13th to 14th century, juridical commentary)
2ra - 14va
list of titles to the Epitome Iuliani, to the appendix B as well as to the extensions
14va - 137va
Epitome Iuliani (Capp. 1-525) with chapter summae
137va - vb
two chapters of Germanic law with summae (not to be found in any lex, textual analogies to the first chapter of the Edictum Theoderici)
137vb - 142ra
Epitome Iuliani (Capp. 526-564) with summae
142ra - 145va
appendix B to the Epitome Iuliani
145va - 147va
Domini Iuliani antecessoris dictatum de consiliariis
147va - 148va
Collectio domini Iuliani
148va - 153ra
Constitutio (Quam iam videor) and a kata poda of Justinian's novella from May 1st 556
153ra - 154va
Latin kata poda of praefatio-caput 2 of Justinians's novella from December 18th 542
154va - 162ra
Paratitla zur Epitome Iuliani
162ra - va
Latin novella of Justinian (undated)
162va - vb
D. 22,5,12 without inscription
undated and uninscribed early medieval law text (capitulary?, apocryph?) on evidence with regard to blind, lame and moronic people
162vb - 184va
Lex Dei with list of titles
one line of etched text, starting with an entry from the Digest