Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Ottob. Lat. 3081

Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Ottob. Lat. 3081

Weltliches Recht im Frankenreich


Vatikan (Vatican City State)
Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
Ottob. Lat. 3081

Siglum (by Eckhardt 1962): K 74


15th century (Eckhardt 1962, Mordek)

In possession of Alexandre Petau (1672) (fol. 2r: Alexander Pauli filius Petavius senator Parisiensis anno 1647), then of Philipp of Stosch (1691-1757), Ex libris auf fol. 1v.

Physical description:

Quires: not visible because of restauration
Number: 186
Size: 215 x 160




  • fol. 1r
    In hoc papiro continentur alique cronice Romanorum pontificum et imperatorum ac regum francie imperfecte cum dracone normannico et epistolis quibusdam universitatis parisiensis super materia unionis sancte matre ecclesie. (15 Jh.)
  • 99r
    Origo Francorum Bonnensis (ed. Krusch, MGH SS rer. Merov. 7, 528)
  • 99v
    Capitulare legibus addendum 803, beginning only
  • 100r
    Frankish list of kings (ed. Krusch, MGH SS rer. Merov. 7, 853)
  • 100r
    Roman list of kings (ed. Krusch, MGH SS rer. Merov. 7, 854)
  • 100v
    Frankish list of kings and table of nations (ed. Goffart)
  • 101v-102v
    Lex Salica tit. 1-3. Fragment

  • 103r
    Ben. Lev. Add. 3, 1-2
  • 103v
    addendum of the list of kings (LSal)
  • 104r
    Short prologue to the LSal. Secundum legem salicam abbatie sancti dyonisii post prologum qui incipit Gens francorum etc. sequitur. Incipit prologus legis salice. Placuit atque convenit …
The inclusion of the Lex Salica in this personal historical compendium is due to the compiler's interest in succession. On top of fol. 97v he noted: Ipsi in hereditatem succedant. De terra vero salica nulla porcio hereditatis mulieri veniat sed ad virilem sexum tota terre hereditas perveniat. [Karl Ubl]


  • Eckhardt 1962 p. XXV
  • McKitterick 1989 p 54
  • Mordek 1995 p. 84 [PDF-Download]
  • Renard 2014 p. 1010
  • Faulkner 2016 p. 256
  • Coumert 2023 p. 16, 378, 402
  • Jeanne Bignami-Odier, Premières recherches sur le fonds Ottoboni (Studi e testi 245), Vatikan 1966, p. 20.
  • Paul Oskar Kristeller, Iter Italicum. A Finding List of Uncatalogued or Incompletely Catalogued Humanistic Manuscripts of the Renaissance in Italian and other Libraries. Volume 2: Italy. Orvieto to Volterra and Vatican City, Leiden 1967, p. 423, 601.

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