Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4419

Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4419

Weltliches Recht im Frankenreich


Paris (France)
Bibliothèque Nationale
Lat. 4419

Digital image available at BnF


10th century, Gaul (Hänel, Liebs); 10th century (Mommsen, Meyer); 9th/10th century (Bischoff HA); end of the 9th/beginning of the 10th century, Sens (Ganivet)

Physical description:

Number: 78 foll.

Lines: 34

Script: Caroline minuscule



  • Ir
    librarian note (Volume de 78 Feuillets. 12 Octobre 1889.)
  • Iv
    librarian note (Breviarium Codicis Alarici ab incerti nominis monacho Abbatis iussu compositum vt indicat praefatio.)
  • 1r
    Glosses, especially from Isidore's Etymologiae (ed. Hänel 1849, p. 461: Vterini fratres dicuntur quia uno utero - quae biennio pubertate sua uiros praecedere solent); two notes by modern hands concerning the content of the manuscript; shelfmarks and red library stamp of the Royal Library in Paris; further notes on the lower margin
  • 1v
    Capitula legibus addenda (818/819), Cap. 10: KAROLI cap. decimum Legis salicae LX. DE FALSIS TESTIBUS CONVINCENDIS. Si quis cum altero de qualibet causa - testes habere
    (MGH Capit. 1, Nr. 139, p. 282 Z. 40 - p. 283 Z. 20)
  • 2r - 76v
    Epitome Monachi with prologue
  • 76v - 78r
    Roman law text, rubric: DE MERETRICIBUS ET INFAMIS; interpretation of Lex Romana Visigothorum Nov. Theod. 8,1 (DE CURIALIBUS. Nulli ex genere - se nouerit subditurum); Appendix to the Lex Romana Visigothorum (ed. Hänel 1849, p. 453); modern notes in the margins
  • 78r
    Poem (epitaphium) for the Burgundian dux Richard († 921) in elegiac distich
  • 78v
    Capitula legibus addenda (818/819), Cap. 10: [beginning illegibly] - ad causam testes habere, afterwards: cp. legis salicę LX Karoli decimo; the page has been treated with chemicals, making the script appear bluish in colour; on the text of c. 10 an overwritten note: PETRV CAPETIVS possessor dono datis; the rest of the page is empty


  • Hänel 1849 p. LXXXII
  • Meyer 1905 p. LXII
  • Mommsen 1905 p. CII
  • Bischoff HA Fiche 31, 7.56 (p. 18), Fiche 34, 3.17 (p. 93)
  • Liebs 2002 p. 112 (n. 110), 115 (n. 126), 141 (n. 103), 142 (n. 106), 250 (n. 641 p. 249)
  • Dubreucq 2009 p. 166
  • Ganivet 2009 p. 299 (n. 78), 301 (n. 89)
  • Hartmann 2008 p. 325
  • Siems 2008 p. 121 (n. 69)
  • Coma Fort 2014 p. 333-335
  • Ubl 2017 p. 199-200
  • Kaiser 2017b p. 315 (n. 31)
  • Coumert 2023 p. 262
  • Dominik Trump, Handschrift des Monats Juni 2016: Paris, BN, Lat. 4419, in: Capitularia. Edition der fränkischen Herrschererlasse, bearb. von Karl Ubl und Mitarb., Köln 2014ff.
  • Matthias M. Tischler, From disorder to order. The scientific challenges of early medieval Catalonia for twenty-first-century Medieval Studies, in: Mirko Breitenstein / Jörg Sonntag (Hrsg.), Disorder. Expressions of an amorphous phenomenon in human history. Essays in honour of Gert Melville, Munster/W. 2020, p. 93–140, hier p. 123 (n. 106).
  • Dominik Trump, Rezeptionsspuren in der Handschrift Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 4419 (Epitome monachi), in: Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Romanistische Abteilung 138 (2021), p. 607–615.

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