Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4419
10th century, Gaul (Hänel,
Liebs); 10th century (Mommsen,
Meyer); 9th/10th century (Bischoff HA); end of the 9th/beginning of the 10th
century, Sens (Ganivet)
Physical description:
Number: 78 foll.
Lines: 34
Script: Caroline minuscule
librarian note (Volume de 78 Feuillets. 12 Octobre 1889.)
librarian note (Breviarium Codicis Alarici ab incerti nominis monacho Abbatis iussu compositum vt indicat praefatio.)
Glosses, especially from Isidore's Etymologiae (ed. Hänel 1849, p. 461: Vterini fratres dicuntur quia uno utero - quae biennio pubertate sua uiros praecedere solent); two notes by modern hands concerning the content of the manuscript; shelfmarks and red library stamp of the Royal Library in Paris; further notes on the lower margin
Capitula legibus addenda (818/819), Cap. 10: KAROLI cap. decimum Legis salicae LX. DE FALSIS TESTIBUS CONVINCENDIS. Si quis cum altero de qualibet causa - testes habere
(MGH Capit. 1, Nr. 139, p. 282 Z. 40 - p. 283 Z. 20)
2r - 76v
Epitome Monachi with prologue
76v - 78r
Roman law text, rubric: DE MERETRICIBUS ET INFAMIS; interpretation of Lex Romana Visigothorum Nov. Theod. 8,1 (DE CURIALIBUS. Nulli ex genere - se nouerit subditurum); Appendix to the Lex Romana Visigothorum (ed. Hänel 1849, p. 453); modern notes in the margins
Poem (epitaphium) for the Burgundian dux Richard († 921) in elegiac distich
Capitula legibus addenda (818/819), Cap. 10: [beginning illegibly] - ad causam testes habere, afterwards: cp. legis salicę LX Karoli decimo; the page has been treated with chemicals, making the script appear bluish in colour; on the text of c. 10 an overwritten note: PETRV CAPETIVS possessor dono datis; the rest of the page is empty