Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4411

Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4411

Weltliches Recht im Frankenreich


Paris (France)
Bibliothèque Nationale
Lat. 4411

Digital image available at BnF


9th century, Gaul (Hänel, Liebs); 9th century (Mommsen, Meyer); beginning of the 9th century, French (Bischoff HA); 2nd half of the 8th century, North France (Bischoff/Brown/John)

Physical description:

Material: Parchment
Quires: 2.(IV+1)18 + 8.IV82 + III88 [no text loss] + 3.IV112 + (IV-1)119 + 9.IV191
Number: 191 foll.
Size: 240 x 170 mm
Text block: 205-230 x 130-150 mm
Lines: 23-26

Script: early, mixed Caroline minuscule with variant forms in R and r, N and n, variant forms of a (cc, seldom ic, minuscule-a, uncial A), uncial G and g. Ligatures in Ct and re; t sometimes with a bow in front. Page titles in minuscule. Rubrics in Capitalis. Dates of the imperial laws in uncial or cursive minuscule. Merovingian orthography (fol. 117r: omnebus, ex ac, scelicet, usofructu, habit, vinerit, leceat, cum prolis nomerosa, in filiorum eletione, matrebus, necessetas). Script of the inserted Septinas septem smaller and slightly cursive. Glossed occasionally.

Glosses: e.g. fol. 12v: interlinear libellos: de quacumque lege [Cod. Theod. 1, 6, 3 Int., p. 22]
fol. 16r: interlinear officiales: scabini [Cod. Theod. 2, 1, 8 Int., p. 22]


  • 1r - 9v
  • 10r
    text of the Lex Romana Visigothorum, text loss at the end: DE CONSTITUCIONIBUS PRINCIPUM ET <E>DICTIS. …
  • 118r-119r
    Septinas septem on two sheets, text loss at the end caused by trimming of the vellum. INCIPIUNT SEPTINAS SEPTI DE LEGe salica. Si quis basilica incendedirit … Expl.: Si quis dentem alterius excusserit //
  • 191v
    Expl. … tradita ei essent cum etsi verum sit [2 words, illegible] (Lex Romana Visigothorum, Cod. Gregor. IV, 1, p. 446)
The text of the Septinas septem transmitted here was previously known only in a short version (ed. K.A. Eckhardt, LL nat. Germ. 4, 1, p. 271f.). Conformities with the Septem causas (ed. K.A. Eckhardt, LL nat. Germ. 4, 1, p. 269-273) are present, but on the whole it is independent. [Karl Ubl]


  • Hänel 1849 p. LIX-LX
  • Meyer 1905 p. LIV
  • Mommsen 1905 p. XCVIII
  • Bischoff / Brown / John 1992 p. 299-300, Plate VI
  • Bischoff HA Fiche 31, 7.56 (p. 18), Fiche 34, 3.13 (p. 89)
  • Liebs 2002 p. 110 (n. 104)
  • Coma Fort 2014 p. 275-276
  • Ubl 2017 p. 141, 232
  • Karl Ubl, Eine Verdichtung der Lex Salica. Die Septinas septem der Handschrift Paris, BN, lat. 4411, in: Stephan Dusil / Gerald Schwedler / Raphael Schwitter (Hrsg.), Exzerpieren - Kompilieren - Tradieren. Transformationen des Wissens zwischen Spätantike und Frühmittelalter (Millennium-Studien 64), Berlin / Boston 2017, p. 223-244.

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