Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Lat. 4404
Paris (France)Bibliothèque Nationale
Lat. 4404
Siglum (by Mordek 1995): P1
Siglum (by Eckhardt 1962): A 1
Digital image available at BnF
9th century,
Gaul (Hänel,
Mommsen, Meyer); early 9th century, Tours (Liebs); beginning of the 9th century (after 804),
probably Tours (Mordek); probably 1st quarter of the 9th
century (Beyerle/Buchner); beginning or middle of the 9th
century (Buchner); beginning of the 9th century
(Eckhardt 1966); beginning of the 9th century, area of Tours, scribe:
Audgarius; 9th
century (Bischoff HA); 800-814, near Tours (Eckhardt 1962)
According to a note by Étienne Baluze on 1r the codex got from Gallia Narbonensis
in the library of Jean-Baptiste
Colbert in 1682. (Mordek) It might have been in possession of
Julien Brodeau.
Physical description:
Material: ParchmentQuires:
Number: 234 foll. (numbered 1 - 234)
Size: 335 x 220-225 mm
Text block: 285 x 180 mm
Lines: 31
Script: Caroline minuscule
prayer to Mary, Bible quotes (additions 9th/10th century), notification of Étienne Baluze
1v -2r
Richly decorated miniature of the Roman legislators and iurisconsulti (according to the Lex Romana Visigothorum)
2va - 3ra
Lex Romana Visigothorum (Commonitorium)
3ra - rb
Preface of the compilator with a summary of the collection
3va - 178vb
Lex Romana Visigothorum (list of titles and text, defective)
179r - 180va
Lex Salica (type A, list of titles)
180va - 194va
Lex Salica (type A, text)
194va - 196vb, 227va - 229vb, 232vb - 234vb
various capitularies
197ra - rb
Lex Salica (type D, long prologue)
richtly decorated miniature of the Alemannian legislators
198ra - 212vb
Lex Alamannorum (type A, shortened list of titles and text)
213ra - 227rb
Lex Ribuaria (type A, list of titles and text)
229vb - 231rb
Pactus Childeberti I. et Chlotharii I.
231rb - 232va
Childeberti II. decretio