Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, A. 46 inf.

Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, A. 46 inf.

Weltliches Recht im Frankenreich


Mailand (Italy)
Biblioteca Ambrosiana
A. 46 inf.

Siglum (by Mordek 1995): Mi
Siglum (by Eckhardt 1962): K 78

Digital image available at Biblioteca Ambrosiana

N.B.: Karl August Eckhardt includes this codex in his scholarly edition of the Pactus legis Salicae, although it only carries the Childeberti II. decretio. The Childeberti II. decretio is almost exclusively transmitted in the context of Lex Salica manuscripts (especially type D and E). Regarding this issue see the article by Wilhelm Alfred Eckhardt.


end of the 9th century, Reims (Liebs); 10th century (Mommsen, Williams); end of the 9th century, Reims (Mordek); 3rd third of the 9th century, Reims (Bischoff); partly 4th quarter of the 9th century, partly turn from the 9th to the 10th century, area of Reims (Eckhardt 1962 following Bischoff)

During the 15th century in possession of the Benedictine Monastery S. Dionigi in Milan (Eckhardt 1962, Mordek)

Physical description:

Material: Parchment
Number: 159 foll.
Size: ca. 290 x 245 mm

Script: Caroline minuscule



  • 1r - 15r
    various capitulationes
  • 15r
    short additions and notice of possession
  • 15v - 85v
    Collectio duorum librorum I
  • 51r - 52v
    Constitutiones Sirmondianae within a treatise by Florus of Lyon
  • 85v
    Pseudo-Johannes IV
  • 86r - 130v
    Collectio duorum librorum II
  • 130v
    Isidore, Etymologiae and other additions (11th century)
  • 131r - 135v, 136r - 139r
    collection of capitularies of Ansegis
  • 135v, 139r - 141v
    various capitularies
  • 141v - 142r
    excerpt from the Collectio canonum Dacheriana
  • 142r
    additions from the 11th and 12th century
  • 142v - 143r
    Laterculus provinciarum imperii Romani
  • 143r - v, 151r
    Notitia Galliarum
  • 144r - 150r
    excerpt from the Collectio canonum Anselmo dedicata
  • 150r - v
    excerpts from the pseudo-Isidorian decretals (additions from the 11th century)
  • 151r - v
    council of Piacenza (additions from the 12th century)
  • 152r - 156r
    excerpt from the Epitome Aegidii
  • 156r
    excerpts from the pseudo-Isidorian decretals (additions from the 11th century)
  • 156v - 157v
    Childeberti II. decretio Stemma
  • 157v
    Pseudo-Lucius I.
  • 157v - 158r
    further excerpts from the pseudo-Isidorian decretals (additions from the 11th century)
  • 158v - 159v
    Admonitio synodalis


  • Mommsen 1905 p. XXXVII, CI, CCCLVI
  • Eckhardt 1962 p. XXVI
  • Williams 1971 p. 89
  • Mordek 1995 p. 233-240, 613, 615, 811 [PDF-Download]
  • Schmitz 1996 p. 177-182
  • Liebs 2002 p. 111 (n. 107)
  • Bischoff 2004 p. 149
  • Kaiser 2007 p. 201-202, 276-277, 279-280, 287-294
  • Ganivet 2009 p. 279 (n. 1)
  • Hartmann 2008 p. 95 (n. 183), 167, 174, 188, 325-326, 328
  • Coma Fort 2014 p. 315-316
  • Ganz 2015 p. 264
  • Faulkner 2016 p. 263
  • Trump 2021 p. 66-68
  • Dominik Trump, Römisches Recht in Reims: Ein Exzerpt aus der Epitome Aegidii in der Handschrift Mailand, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, A. 46 inf., in: Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Romanistische Abteilung 133 (2016), p. 322-371.
  • Detlef Liebs, Geltung kraft Konsenses oder kraft königlichem Befehl? Die lex Romana unter den Westgoten, Burgundern und Franken, in: Verena Epp / Christoph H. F. Meyer (Hrsg.), Recht und Konsens im frühen Mittelalter (Vorträge und Forschungen 82), Ostfildern 2017, p. 63-85, hier p. 80-83.
  • Innovating Knowledge Database

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